posing3..... |
master chef.....at umah tok.... |
today is madam HEART besday.....happy besday IBU...sweet 44th.....may ALLAH bless my madam HEART.plus semoge cpt3 dpt menantu and boleh jadi nenek@tok kn....wahhhh angan3 gitu...hehehehe....even I xboleh balik utk celebrate madam HEART pnyer besday....my bro amin dh pun buat suprise kt madam HEART n my bro amin dh buat special besday cake...kelass amin oke!ntah jadik ke x cake tu kan..hopefully sedap n blh mkn lah....jgn cake edisi baling ke dinding sdh....hahahahaha....sowie amin.....n the most xbest nyer today for madam HEART...my bro,ande kena masuk plkn today....so her besday dh xboleh nk celebrate reramai...dah lah I ngan angah takde..then kena anta ande masuk plkn plak...so plus makin berkurang lah kn...then kena anta my bro amin masuk hostel kan....lagi lah super sad....esok adk3 dah mula skolah..so madam HEART mesti bz dgn adk3 nk msuk skolah..oke!lg xrasa nk celebrate besday kan...plus lg..esok I exam...my first paper...wahhhh...lg lah madam HEART kecut perut..silap3 boleh demam tau....yg unik nye madam HEART ni...anak3 yg amik RESULT or nak EXAM....but madam HEART yg duk bwh selimut....ketar2 DEMAM....mmg sejak azali mcm tu..hehehehe...sweet kan....that OUR madam HEART....but our madam HEART ni ada pnykit lorhhh...high blood pressure....so kena jga mkn n emosi madam HEART...cewahhhh.....terlalu bnyk pkir pon blh naik darah woooo....our madam HEART ni mcm my late grandmom....bnyk yg same....she is EVERYTHING.....we lOVE madam HEART.......mmmuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....n HAPPY BIRTHDAY..............
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